There’s no getting around the fact that the world is going digital. An outdated website is going to hurt the credibility of your business. Your website tells your potential customers about your business, and an outdated website sends the wrong message to users. It suggests that your business is not credible, that it has fallen out of sync with the times, and perhaps not financially stable.

You want users to feel comfortable and safe when they are using your website. For that to happen, you need an up-to-date website. If you don’t know whether your website needs a redesign, we have 4 ways to tell if your website is outdated.

1.    It’s Difficult to Use

Website visitors must be able to find what they are looking for within seconds of landing on your website. If the navigation menu of is confusing, hard to find, or convoluted, the visitors aren’t going to stick around long enough to try and figure everything out. Ensure that the important navigation elements of your website are present on your website easily navigated.

2.    Page Loading Time Is Slow

Users today expect fast loading websites when they are browsing on the internet. If a website takes more than 2 seconds to load, users are going to go back to the search results. Countless studies have shown that there is a direct link between slow page times and high abandonment rates. It is important to improve the load speed of your website. Get rid of heavy scripts, remove unused plugins, and choose images with lower resolutions to improve the speed of your website.

Not only will that make users happy, but faster load times and website speed is a key ranking factor for Google, so you will see your website placing higher on search engines as well.

3.    Not Mobile-Friendly

One of the tell-tale signs of an outdated website is that it isn’t mobile-friendly. Google has confirmed that more than half of all its search traffic comes from mobile devices, and if your website isn’t easy to view and navigate on smartphones and tablets, you could be missing out on a lot of potential leads and conversions.

Google has also stated that mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor, especially if the query has originated from a mobile device. Therefore, you must ensure that your website ranks high on mobile devices to ensure that it is up-to-date.

4.    Cluttered Design

Give your content some breathing space by opting for a streamlined and integrated look, and avoid loud color contrasts or distracting, extraneous page elements. That is going to give prominence to your content and will help you communicate a concise and clear message.

Know that your website is the first thing people interface with when they come into contact with your business. If it shows any of the above signs, you should think about updating it immediately.